Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Gratitude Part II:

Littlefoot: The strength and love I’ve seen you put into everything around you is incredible.  You might not remember it, but you were the first person not involved in hiring me at CHS that I spoke to on the first day of school. You saw me in VONS and said that you heard I would be awesome. I think you made that up but I also think you knew I needed to hear something nice because I probably looked like a middle-schooler lost on a college campus.  That’s just who you are; you just know what people need at exactly the right moment. I can’t wait for you to return to work so I can torture you with pictures of birds flying near people and cows with their tongues out.  

Scott: Thank you for being the brother that reminds me how to laugh when life sucks the most. You are unabashedly funny, outgoing, and just so damn goofy that people can’t help but love you. I miss you even when life gets crazy and we don’t see or speak to each other for long stretches of time. I’m so glad that we are close siblings and even happier that we are friends.

Oogie: If Scott and I are mirror images of each other in humor, you and I are replicas of each other in our serious sides. Thank you for being the one I know I can call whenever I need and also for being the one who will call me out when I need it (which, you know, is pretty much never…ha!). I am so proud to be your sister and can’t wait for the perpetual three weeks to pass so you’ll finally come to San Diego!

Amanda: Soon, you’ll be A-JO! Transitioning from crazy college days to adulthood has been easier (and a lot more fun!) with you by my side. I feel like we were destined to be best friends; the college class, living right down the street from each other, being 21 at the same time; something made it so that we wouldn’t lose touch. I am proud to stand at your side as you get married and I am so glad that Kevin is the groom because he is a quality man with character and you deserve nothing less.  I love you!

Mike W: With the exception of one other person, you are my oldest male friend. And to think we drove each crazy in freshmen English! What I first hated about you are now my favorite things about you: your outspoken opinions, your refusal to compromise your values, and especially your love of filthy words. I guess it is a good thing that your wife is such a good match for you; I was still really hoping you’d buy me Hawaii for my 30th birthday.

Jess: I am in awe of your confidence (that you so rightly have!). You are physically and emotionally one of the strongest and most beautiful women I know, you’re passionate about the things you love, and really an incredible person all around.  You’ve made those around you better people just by being an example…you are inspiring in so many ways, I hope you know.

Kiley: At first I didn’t know how you managed to live with all those boys; it is hard enough for me to live with just one! I’ve had some of the best times in recent memory with you, thank you for being so much fun! You are, in my mind, a perfect woman: independent, beautiful, tough when you need to be and soft-spoken and sensitive when the time is right. I’d crawl up a mountain and sit down in a cactus again in a heartbeat for you! 

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