Monday, August 1, 2011

I think I finally stopped shaking from giving this speech...

(In honor of two of my best friends, Kevin and Amanda Johnston, now married.) 

For the past seven years, I’ve known Kevin and Amanda separately; I met Amanda in a creative writing course at SDSU; I met Kevin around the same time because he was my now-husband’s roommate. Eventually, Amanda and I discovered that Jerry’s house was a mere three houses down from where Amanda was living at the time so it was only natural then that all of us began to spend time together. With the Grist house across the street and many other people in the mix, we have made many memories that most of cannot remember. 

Kevin and Amanda seemed like a perfect fit from the moment they first met. Kevin would say something smart and Amanda immediately gave it right back but both of them always claimed they were just friends. Our friends spoke many times about the not-so-secret crush Kevin harbored for Amanda and how if they’d just work out some particulars, they’d be amazing together. I think the most common response to the news that Kevin and Amanda had started dating was, "Finally!"

My favorite author, Paulo Coelho, wrote: “When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision.” Amanda taking that very uncreative creative writing course, Kevin moving in with Jerry, the decision the two of you made to dance together at my own wedding, giving long-distance love a try; all of these can surely be written off as coincidences; however, I choose to believe in Coelho’s claim. The decisions we’ve made in the past seven years appear to have carried you both to where you were always supposed to end up.

And now,this decision you’ve made, this wedding, this love--seeing you two finally unite as husband and wife has been better than I could have ever imagined.

And so I toast to you, together, Kevin and Amanda: May this decision’s strong current carry you to many more wonderful places.

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